Top 44 Funny Question Jokes with Answers 2022

Hi, beautiful people. Have you ever asked about funny question jokes or funny confusing questions for anybody? If yes, you know how fun a game is it to ask funny questions to others. Isn’t it?

Have you ever observed funny and interesting people? Why do people love them? Everyone wants to be a friend of these kinds of people. You may have such people in different places like school, college, office, social gatherings, and parties.

We can see, that they always smile and share funny happening with others. Well, you can use these funny question jokes to ask people and make them fun. These funny questions can be asked in different places but you have to decide which situation is better to share the funny questions.

funny question jokes for adults
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Funny Question Jokes with Answers

You can remember in mind or make a list of these questions on your mobile phone to ask when you want. At the next gathering or party, you can divide the whole members into different teams to ask funny questions and announce the winning team among them which team corrects the most.  

Joke Question: Which is city known as the most shocking city in the world?
Answer: Electricity

Joke Question: Which special key opens a banana?
Answer: A monkey

Joke Question: A room that has no windows, no door so who am I?
Answer: Mushroom

Joke Question: What is it that keeps looking at the sun from morning to evening?
Answer: Sunflower

Joke Question: What is the longest word in the English dictionary?
Answer: Smiles, there is a mile between the word ‘S’

Joke Question: What is it that has no pockets and legs, but still speaks and walks?
Answer: Money

Joke Question: What is the easiest way to make money double?
Answer: Keep it in front of a Mirror
Joke Question: What has a head and a tail but has not a body?
Answer: A coin

Joke Question: What has 13 hearts but not a single organ?
Answer: In cards
Joke Question: Why do we drink water?
Answer: Because we can’t eat water

Joke Question: What do roses, lilies, and lotus have in common?
Answer: All are flowers

Joke Question: What have words but never speaks?
Answer: A book
Joke Question: What is it that does not get wet even in the water?
Answer: Shadow

Joke Question: Which place has the most stories?
Answer: A library
Joke Question: Which two numbers multiplied together will result in nine?
Answer: Nine and one

Joke Question: What has four legs but cannot speak and walk?
Answer: A table

Joke Question: How do we make number One disappear?
Answer: By adding first ‘G’ and Make Gone
Joke Question: How can a boy go 35 days without sleep?
Answer: He sleeps at night

Joke Question: What is something that can be caught but never thrown?
Answer: Cold
Joke Question: What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one hundred years?
Answer: Letter “M”

Joke Question: What is yours, but everyone else uses it more than you?
Answer: Your Name

Joke Question: What will you actually find at the end of each rainbow?
Answer: Letter “W”
Joke Question: What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?
Answer: A Clock

Joke Question: How many months have 28 days in a year?
Answer: All 12 months

Joke Question: In a year, how many seconds are there?
Answer: 12 (January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, …., December 2nd)

Funny Confusing Questions and Answers

Joke Question: At first, I get taller but when I stand for a long, I become shorter so who am I?
Answer: A candle

Joke Question: I am so fragile that if you say my name you will break me. Who I am?
Answer: I am silence
Joke Question: What two keys can’t open any luck?
Answer: A monkey and a donkey

Joke Question: What is it that is bought for eating but not eaten?
Answer: Plate
Joke Question: What is the difference between Here and There?
Answer: The letter “T”

Joke Question: What can fly but has no wings?
Answer: Time

Joke Question: The first and second time I come for free but the third time I have to pay, so what is that thing?
Answer: Teeth
Joke Question: What does half an apple look like?
Answer: Second half Apple

Joke Question: What is one thing that can’t be sewn once it’s torn?
Answer: A Balloon
Joke Question: What is something that freezes when it’s heated?
Answer: An Egg

Joke Question: Why do we eat more in January than in February?
Answer: January has more days than February

Joke Question: A queen is sitting in the dark, there is fire on her head and water in her body so what is it?
Answer: A candle
Joke Question: What is it that you take anywhere in a country, its price does not change?
Answer: The currency of that country

Joke Question: Which goes up and never falls below
Answer: Our age
Joke Question: What is always coming but never comes?
Answer: Tomorrow

Joke Question: What five-letter word becomes shorter when we add two more letters to its end?
Answer: Make Short Word adding two words Shorter

Joke Question: What goes up as soon as the water goes down?
Answer: An Umbrella
Joke Question: Where is the ocean without even one drop water?
Answer: On the map


Final Words

Eventually, we hope that you found this very useful. You can share these funny joke questions or funny confusing questions with your friends, family members, siblings, colleagues, etc., and enjoy your spare time.

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